What is RGB, PMS and CMYK?


RGB, CMYK and Spot Colours

RGB (stands for Red, Green, and Blue) is the colour the language of computer monitors, domestic scanners and domestic printers.

CMYK (Stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) is the colour language of commercial printing equipment and presses. While computer screens and digital devices display colours in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue), the 4-colour printing process uses CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black). The range of RGB colour combinations available to view on a screen is much greater than the range that can be printed on paper. As such, if artwork is supplied in RGB format, the printed result will look “duller” and with less contrast than you intended. We always recommend you preview your artwork in CMYK format, then adjust the colour palette as close to your intended output as possible.

We prefer to print in CMYK and only prefer artwork supplied in CMYK. If you upload files that are not CMYK (e.g. RGB or spot colours) they will be converted to CMYK by the pre-press processes. This conversion can slightly change colours as they may appear different from what is seen on screen. DR Print will not accept responsibility for the outcome of such files.

PMS Pantone Colour
PMS stands for Pantone Matching System. PMS colours are standardized colours listed in the Pantone Colour Matching System. Each Pantone colour has a specific code which different printers and manufacturers can refer to in order to ensure colour consistency. Please note, we only offer printing using PMS colours for our envelopes and carbonless.

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